Friday, 31 October 2014

Inspired By Kit - Dirk Richter 10-1

A Dirk Richter Inspired By Kit. 
Please remember this kit can be used with any artist. 

Tag by Wakana

CT Tut by Pixie

CT Tag by Michele

Keep Sake Box

You can see a tag made with this box at the bottom of the page.

This tutorial was written by Monti on August 27th 2009. You may print out this tutorial for your own personal use, but please do not copy it in any way to put online, pass out or rewrite without my permission or worse yet attempt to claim as your own.

This was written for psp 9 but will work in other versions.

For this tutorial you will need 

Paint Shop Pro

Some Textures of your choice
There are plenty on Deviant Art that allow usage. 

Some Hinges
The ones I am using came from DoziBaers site.
Click on Scrapbooking Embellishments and scroll down to enter, then choose Hinges on the right.

A Gold Fill
Just right click and save to your PSP Patterns folder.

Some Swirl Brushes of your Choice

Step 1:
I am working on a 700 x 700 canvas as I am doing one for a tag, if you want one bigger please increase all sizes to your choice.
Turn on your Rulers by going to View- Rulers so you can see sizes.
Select your Preset Shapes tool set to Rectangle. 
Set your Background to a dark colour of your choice and your Foreground to Null. Line Style: Solid.
Starting at 100 x 100 pixels draw a Rectangle down to 600 x 600 pixels.
Go to Objects - Align - Center In Canvas. 
Convert to Raster layer and rename Back. 
Go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Set your Foreground to a medium shade of the same colour and tick the Texture box as shown below.
Set the texture to the one you want to use. I have had mine for ages and can't remember where they came from sorry, but any nice texture will do.
Add a new raster layer and fill the selection with the medium coloured texture. 
In the Layer Palette right click on the top layer and choose Merge Down.
Activate your Deform/Pick tool. 
While holding down the Ctrl key click on the top left node and pull inwards slightly. 
While still holding Ctrl click on the bottom left node and pull out slightly.
Then click on the top center node and move it down slightly until your shape looks like the image below. 
Step 2:
We are now going to do the strip at the bottom that gives the box depth. 
Set your Foreground to the medium shade we used for the Back layer and your Background to the dark colour we used earlier. 
Then set your Foreground to Null and set your Background to Gradient - Foregound/Background - Style: Linear - Angle: 0 - Repeats: 0. 
Make sure your dark colour is at the top, if it isn't then check the Invert Gradient box. 
Select your Preset Shapes tool set to Rectangle. 
Draw out a rectangle about 50 pixels high and not quite as wide as the Back layer. 
Go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas. 
Convert to raster layer and rename Height.
Activate your Deform/Pick tool again and while holding the Ctrl key click on the bottom left node and move it in slightly.
Please note I have lowered the opacity of the Back layer so you can see this shape properly. 
Whether you do the next part is up to you but I wanted to give the top a bit more shadow. 
Select the Burn tool from the tool bar - see below:
Use the following settings:

Place your Burn brush over your rectangle so that the brush lines up with the top left corner. 
Hold down the Shift key and click on the top right corner. This will darken in a stright line across the top. 
Repeat a few times until you are happy with the shading.

Step 3:
Click on the Back layer to activate it. 
Duplicate this layer - Layers - Duplicate - and move above the height layer in the layer palette. 
Rename Lid. 
Go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 2 - Selections - Modify - Smooth and set both boxes to 10.
Fill with the medium colour we used earlier.
Add a new raster layer and change the Foreground to a light shade of the same colour making sure you check the Texture button and choose a texture.
I chose to use the same one I used on the back layer. 
Fill the selection with this colour/texture. 
Deselect and click on the top layer in the Layer Palette and choose Merge Down. 
Select your Move tool and move the lid up a bit so that you can see most of the the height layer at the bottom.

Open up the hinge you wish to use. 
We only need one side of the hinge so activate your Selection Tool set to Rectangle and select the right half of the hinge. 
Go to Edit - Copy and then paste as a new layer on your box canvas.
Resize to suit your box. I resized at 60% - Smart Size - All Layers Unchecked.
Use your Move tool to move into postion then use your Deform/Pick tool to rotate it slightly so it lines up with your lid.
Use my image as a guide.
Go to Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpen More.
Duplicate the hinge and move the other hinge into position.
Click on the duplicate hinge in the layer palette and choose Merge Down to merge it with the other hinge.
Rename this layer Hinges and add a slight Drop Shadow if you wish.

Step 4:
Before we finish the box we are now going to make a key hole so save your box psp file and minimize for now. 
Open a new transparent canvas 150 x 150 pixels. 
Set your Foreground to Null and your Background to the Gold Fill Pattern.
Activate your Preset Shapes tool set to Ellipse. 
Draw out an Ellipse similar in shape to the one below. 
Go to Objects - Align - Center In Canvas and convert to raster layer. Rename Base. 
Set your Background to a dark colour (it doesn't matter which one as we will be deleting this layer later).
Still on your Ellipse Preset Shape draw out a small cirlce in the top half of the ellipse for the top of our keyhole. 
Go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas and convert to a raster layer.
Select your Preset Shapes again, this time set to Rounded Rectangle.
Draw out a small Rectangle and go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas and convert to a raster layer.
Activate your Deform/Pick tool and while holding down your Ctrl key click on the bottom left node and move it out slightly.
Then click on the top left one and while holding down the Ctrl key move it in slightly.
In the Layer Palette click on the top rectangle layer and choose merge down to merge it with the coloured circle layer. 
While still on the coloured shapes layer go to Edit - Cut - Edit - Paste as New Layer. This will center the shape. 
In the layer palette delete Raster 2.
Select Raster 3 layer and go to Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
In the layer palette activate the Base layer and press Delete on the keyboard. 
Deselect and then delete Raster 3.
Activate Base layer and go to Selections - Select All - Float and apply the following Cutout. 
Select your Preset Shapes tool again set to Ellipse and draw out a small circle at the bottom of the ellipse to act as a screw. 
Go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas and convert to a raster layer. 
Go to Selections - Select All - Float and apply the same Cutout.
Add the following Drop Shadow to the screw. 
Vertical = 0 
Horizontal = 0 
Opacity = 50 
Blur = 3 
Colour = Black.

In the layer palette right click on the Screw layer and Merge Down to merge it with the Base layer.
Now we are going to do the cover for the lock. 
With your Background still on your Gold Fill and your Foreground still Null draw out a circle - see my screen shot below for an idea of the size. 

Go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas and convert to a raster layer. 
Go to Selections - Select All - Float and apply the same Cutout but change the blur to 10.

With the same Preset Shapes settings draw out an Ellipse and make sure it is big enough to cover the Base Shape layer. 
Move this beneath the top circle layer and go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas and convert to a raster layer. 
Go to Selections - Select All - Float and apply the same Cutout but change the blur to 15.
Click on the top Circle layer and choose Merge Down to merge it with the lock cover. 
Use your Deform/Pick tool on the top layer (the cover) to angle it so it looks like it is open. See below:
On the top layer go to Adjust - Sharpen. 
Then go to Edit - Copy Merged and paste onto the box. 
Move to the right hand side in the middle and resize to suit. 
Go to Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpen More and add a small Drop Shadow. 
Rename Lock.

Step 5:
Now we will finish working on the Box. 
Activate your Preset Shapes tool set to Rectangle with the following settings:
Line Style: Solid - Line Width: 6 - Foreground: Gold Fill - Background: Null. 
Draw out a rectangle - use my tag as a guide to the size.
Go to Objects - Align - Horizontal Center In Canvas and convert to a raster layer. 
Use your Deform/Pick tool and while holding down your Ctrl key pull out the bottom nodes until the shape is similar to the main box. See below. 
Rename this layer Gold Edge.
With your Magic Wand - Tolerance and Feather: 0 - click inside the gold edge.
Go to selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Click on your Lid layer to activate it and click on Delete on your keyboard. 
Sometimes when you do this you will notice that the area you just removed isn't all filled with the Back layer.
If this is the clase click on the Back layer to activate it then select your Deform/Pick tool and just use the nodes to stretch it slightly to fit.

That is the main box done. 
I added a new layer under the gold edge and added some swirls using brushes and my gold fill as the colour. 
Hide your Back and Height layers and Merge All - Visible.
Rename Lid. 
Making sure you are on the back layer, fill with anything you want making sure you erase anything that goes over the edges.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Inspired By Kit - Melissa Dawn 18-1

A Melissa Dawn Inspired By Kit. 
Please remember this kit can be used with any artist. 

Tut by Terisa

Tut by Sinfully Sweet Creations

CT Tags


A previous Inspired By Kit now a mini kit. 
Please remember this kit can be used with any artist. 

Tag by Wakana

CT Tags by Angelkkreationz's

CT Tags

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

FTU Scrap Kit T.O.U.

FTU Scrapkit Terms Of Use

None of my tutorials or Scrap Kits are allowed to be used for tags being bought by My PSP Tubes or for any other form of monetary gain.
This goes against the artists TOU that I use for my tuts and against my TOU.

All materials were created by ©Monti and are for PERSONAL use only. 
No profit can be made from these kits. They cannot be used for any form of monetary gain. I supply them for free and do not see why any one else should make a profit from them.

You may share the PREVIEWS of these files with others with a link to 
so they can download them. 
They are NOT to be uploaded to any other website or passed through e-mail without express written permission from Monti.

DO NOT claim them as your own or use them to create new scrap kits.
DO NOT use them for defamatory, immoral, or illegal purposes.

If you wish to use my my Scrap kits in your copyright compliant tutorials please mail me first and let me know where you are using them.
I do not give permission for them to be used on sites that are not copyright aware.
If you want to learn more about how you can be copyright compliant please feel free to mail me and I can give you a great site to join that can help.

Regarding Copyright

If you are using my kits with an artists work then you DO NOT need to add my credits, so as to comply with Artists Terms Of Use. 
HOWEVER if you are using my kits on their own or with your own photos you need to add my credits to the finished piece.
Scrap Kit ©Monti

You may use my Scrap Kits to create Incredimail stationary however you MUST add the following information to the credits at the bottom of the stat. 
Scrap Kit ©Monti
If you are a group manager and would like to link to my kits please mail me first.
Please remember that direct linking is stealing, so please do not direct link to my graphics or downloads.
They are not allowed to be uploaded to any other site, if you use my kits for your tutorials etc then you need to direct them to my site to download the kit. 
At the moment my kits are free and I would like to keep them that way, however if they continue to be uploaded to share sites, passed through groups and claimed as other peoples then I will be forced to charge for them.

Thank you for reading and complying with my Terms Of Use.

My kits are saved as PNG files. In PSP go to File Associations and check the box next to png so that psp recognizes png files and they will then open with a transparent background.

PSP 7 - Thanks to Jules for this solution. 
Unzip the main file.
Open PSP and select Browse.
Find the png file you wish to use and open it in PSP.
Go to Masks - Load from Alpha Channel.
Sometimes you have to add a new Raster Layer and Merge Visible before you can resize the image though.

Hugs Monti 

Pixel Terms Of Use

Pixel Terms Of Use
These are the TOU for all my pixel tutorials.

You do NOT need to put ©Monti on images made from my pixel tuts but you CANNOT put your © information on them either as you did not design the image.

I retain the copyright on all my pixel premades and outlines. You may NOT claim them as your original designs.

Any graphics and tubes I share with you are shared as is - you may NOT recolour, resize or change in any way unless you have my permission.
They are NOT to be shared in any way. They are for your own personal use only.
You may NOT use them to create lineart from. You may NOT make tutorials from them.

My premades require my copyright information on them.

You ARE permitted to make Signature Tags from them, providing NO profit is made.
You MAY use them in web pages and incredimail stationary but you must add my credits to the page/stat. 

You may NOT share them in any other way.

All ideas are copyrighted to me as they are my original concepts and designs. Any similarity to another tutorial is purely coincidental.

You may print these tutorials out for your own personal use but DO NOT copy them in anyway to put them online, share them through e-mail and groups, script them or rewrite them in any way without my written permission.

I do NOT allow my tutorials to be translated so please do not ask.

If you are a group manager and would like to link to my tutorials or send the link through your group, please mail me first.

Please remember that direct linking is stealing, so please do not direct link to my graphics or downloads.

Thank you for reading and complying with my Terms Of Use. 

Hugs Monti

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Parisian Pink

This tutorial was written by Monti on 26th October, 2014. It's concept is copyrighted to Monti.  Any creation you make from my ideas are yours.
You may print out this tutorial for your own personal use, but please do not copy it in any way to put online, pass out or rewrite without my permission or worse yet attempt to claim as your own.

This was written for psp 9 but will work in other versions.

For this tutorial you will need:

Paint Shop Pro

Eye Candy 5 - Gradient Glow - Optional

Tube of your Choice
I am using a CDO Exclusive tube by Alicia Mujica. 
You can find the tube HERE and more of Alicia's work at Alicia Mujica Design 

Scrap Kit of your Choice  
I am using Alicia Mujica Exclusive 4B Inspired by kit by LadyHawkDesigns. 
This is available at CDO 

Font of your Choice
I used Whisper Medium

Mask of your Choice
I used Mask 17 by Moonbeams and SpiderWebs - Available HERE
Place in your Mask folder.
They have loads of beautiful Masks so you may want to check them all out while you are there. 

Ok we are ready to start.


Step 1:
Open a new transparent image 500 x 500 pixels.
Fill with a colour from your tube. 
Go to Layers- Load/Save Mask - Load Mask from Disk. 
Apply Mask 17 by Moonbeams and SpiderWebs or the mask you want to use. Right click on the mask layer in the layer palette and Merge Group. 

Duplicate this layer and go to Image - Mirror. 

Step 2:
Copy and paste Frame 3 as a new layer on your Canvas. 
Go to Image - Resize and resize by 70% making sure ALL Layers is UNchecked. 
Go to Adjust - Sharpen. 
Click inside the frame with your magic wand and go to Selections - Modify- Expand by 6.
Copy and paste a black paper of your choice as a new layer on your canvas and go to Layers- Arrange - Move Down. I used Paper 4. 
It will now be under your frame layer. 

Go to Selections - Invert and press Delete on your keyboard. 

Step 3:
Copy and paste your tube (the tube I am using came with a close up so I am using that) as a new layer. 
It should still be under your frame layer.
Move it into position so the parts of the tube you want showing are in the selections
Press delete on your keyboard and go to Selections - Select None

Duplicate your tube layer and change the blend mode on the duplicate to Screen.
In the layer palette lower the opacity of the duplicate tube layer to 48.

Step 4:
Click on your top Frame layer to activate it. 
Open Element 17 and Copy and Paste as a new layer onto your canvas.
Go to Image - Resize by 60% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked and move to the right of the frame.  
Add the following Drop Shadow. 
Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 50
Blur: 5
Colour: Black

Open Element 24. 
Copy and Paste this as a new layer on your canvas. 
Resize by 60% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked and move to the bottom right of the frame. 
Rotate it slightly to the left.
Duplicate this layer and Mirror it. 
Add the same Drop Shadow we used earlier to both Feather layers. 

Open Element 22.
Copy and paste this as a new layer on your canvas. 
Go to Image - Mirror. 
Resize by 40% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked and go to Adjust - Sharpen. 
Add the Same Drop Shadow.

Open Element 13.
Copy and paste this as a new layer on your canvas. 
Resize by 40% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked move it to the lower right of the frame. 
Go to Adjust -Sharpen and add the same Drop Shadow.

Open Element 23.
Copy and paste this as a new layer on your canvas. Go to Image - Mirror. 
Resize by 40% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked and move to the bottom left of the frame. 
Go to Adjust - Sharpen and add the same Drop Shadow. 

Open element 19.
Copy and paste this as a new layer on your canvas.
Resize by 30% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked. 
Go to Adjust - Sharpen and move to the bottom left. See my tag as a guide. 
Duplicate this layer and go to Image - Mirror. 
Add the same Drop Shadow to both layers. 

Open Element 26.
Copy and paste this as a new layer on your canvas.
Resize by 35% making sure ALL Layers is UNChecked. 
Move to the bottom right of the tag and duplicate this layer. 
On the Duplicate layer go to Image - Mirror.
Sharpen both Layers and add the same Drop Shadow to both. 

Open Element 1.
Press Shift + D to make a duplicate. Close the original. 
On the duplicate go to Adjust - Hue and Saturation and set both to 0.
Then go to Adjust - Brightness/Contrast and set the Brightness to -70 and the contrast to 0.
Copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas. 
Move to the bottom and slightly to the left - see my tag as a guide. 
Go to Duplicate - Image - Mirror. 
sharpen both flowers and add the same Drop Shadow to both. 

Step 5:
Crop to size using Merged Opaque.
If you want to resize your tag do so now. I resized mine by 80%. 

Add the artists copyright as a new layer. 

Add your name using a font of your choice. I used Wendy medium with my Foreground set to black and my Background set to a colour from the tube. 
Type your name using Vector and go to Objects - Align - Horizontal in Canvas. 
Convert to Raster layer. 

Add an Inner Bevel of your choice. 
I used  

I also added a light Gradient glow using eye Candy 5. My settings are below. 
Add the same drop shadow we have used throughout and save your finished tag. 

Mask Vortex

Vortex Mask

Click on the preview to download. 

Mask Oval Frame

Oval Frame Mask

Click on the preview to download. 

Mask Mosaic Edge

Mosaic Edge Mask

Click on the preview to download. 

Mask Jagged Edge

Jagged Edge Mask

Click on the preview to download. 

Mask Heart Jagged

Jagged Heart Mask

Click on the preview to download. 

Mask Monti Circle

Monti Circle Mask

Click on the preview to download. 

Mask Monti Blinds 1

Monti Blinds 1 Mask

Click on the preview to download.